28 August 2018
China's agricultural remote sensing monitoring platform CropWatch has provided information services to 147 countries and regions. CropWatch was launched in 1998. Based on remote sensing and ground observation data, the system independently assesses crop growth, yield and related information at global and national scales. It is currently one of the major international remote sensing monitoring systems for agriculture. The system was initiated by the Aerospace Information Research Institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

28 August 2018
Sergei Kilin, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belaru, told the Belrus News Agency BelTA: "We regularly discuss possible joint projects of interest to both countries with the Chinese side. The matter is closely monitored by the two sides. Negotiations are underway, including on the joint creation of a space satellite. We cannot disclose the content of the talks for now."

From 26 to 28 September, the 4th China (International) Commercial Aerospace Forum will be in full swing. The commercial space community from China and abroad will meet in Central China's Wuhan for the biggest private space conference. For more details, please, check the official website of the conference:
On the GoTaikonauts! facebook website https://www.facebook.com/go-taikonautscom
you can find the information brochure which was distributed during the UNISPACE+50 space forum in June in Vienna.
For an extensive report about the last year's conference, the 3rd CCAF, please, read the article "Wuhan - China's Centre of the Commercial Universe" in the issue no 21 of our GoTaikonauts! newsletter or go to the download section on this website for downloading the report on the 2017 China (International) Commercial Aerospace Forum - 3rd CCAF - in Wuhan or click on this link: Wuhan - China's centre of the commercial universe - including interviews with Enrique Pacheco, Andrew Paliwoda, Philippe Cyr .

25 August 2018
On 25 August, the Long March-3B carrier successfully sent twin BeiDou navigation satellites into space. Lift-off was at 7:52 a.m. from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province. It was the 283rd mission of the Long March rocket series. More than three hours after launch, the twin satellites entered orbit. After a series of tests, the satellites built by the Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (formerly known as: SECM) will work together with 10 other BeiDou-3 satellites already in orbit.

27 August 2018
A report by Sarah Scoles is investigating the question whether the world’s largest telescope FAST can coexist with a nearby buzzing tourist location, the new Pingtang Astronomy Town. Scoles' article is a descriptive account of the general situation around FAST and how China's ambition in advancing astronomical science play out. A very interesting read!

22 August 2018
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) signed an agreement on 22 August to jointly develop a camera for China's first Mars probe. The two sides will develop and produce a camera on the mission’s spacecraft scheduled for launch in 2020, which will conduct orbital and surface exploration of the red planet. The "Mars Landing Surveillance Camera," to be located on the outside top surface of the Mars lander, will monitor the deployment status of the Mars rover with respect to the status of its solar panel, antenna, as well as movement.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University signs deal to make camera for China’s 2020 Mars probe