23 December 2013
This issue no. 10 of Go Taikonauts! is a special newsletter dedicated to the IAC 2013 with reports, interviews and images brought from Beijing. The enormous amount of material the Go Taikonauts! team could collect in Beijing made it hard for us to keep up with the usual quarterly rhythm for publishing. However, the volume of articles we can provide now will make up for the long waiting time.
Please, read our cover story which summarises all the key information, so as to give our readers a clear picture of the future Chinese space programme. Congress participants and astronauts were so kind to give us their very special impressions from the event in China's capital.
Also, Go Taikonauts! interviewed officials from APSCO (Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organisation), China Great Wall Industries Corporation, and Head Aerospace Ltd, as well as people from other countries. You can read the interviews with APSCO and CGWIC in this issue. And we will publish more in the next issue.
Before IAC 2013, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), and China jointly hosted the Workshop on Human Space Technology in Beijing. The Director Human Spaceflight for the IAA explained to GoTaikonauts! the objectives and outcomes of the workshop.
Another interesting article reflects on the history of the UK-China space cooperation which is more extensive as one would think. Have a good read!
Please, request the pdf version of the newsletter via e-mail ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or download the magazine as iPad App version to your iPad: